Review: Star Wars blu-ray – The Complete Saga // Special features part 2: Documentaries

  I’m going to continue with my Star Wars blu-ray review on the special features with this Part 2 post. I’m gonna give a brief outline on all the documentaries under there titles. THE MAKING OF STAR WARS This is basically like a kids version of ‘the making of’ because its narrated by C-3PO and … Continue reading

Review: Star Wars blu-ray – The Complete Saga // Special features part 1: Spoofs

In this post i’m going to talk about one section of the special features disc. This chapter was entitled ‘Spoofs’ which last for about 1hr 40mins. Well, this is going to be a brief outlay into whats in the ‘Spoof’ chapter. To get a sense of what you might be thinking the chapter starts off … Continue reading

Blu-Ray Review: Unknown (2011)

A man claiming to be Dr Martin Harris awakes in Berlin hospital with severe head injuries and very little knowledge as to how he got there. The doctors inform him that he has been in a coma for four days after surviving a near fatal car crash. Attempting to piece together the incidents leading up … Continue reading